Salesforce Training

User adoption is key to success

In all our training we use practical examples where possible to ensure that our Salesforce training is targetted to your specific organisation.

Typically we conduct our training on-site at a customer’s premises, but we are also flexible and can arrange external premises and/or remote training as best suits your needs.

Our training programs

CloudPlease offer 4 remote and onsite training programs as standard:

1 day training

This is primarily focussed on providing an understanding of the basic key concepts within Salesforce and how to use the standard functionality to help maintain your operations.

The day is split into two parts, the first being an orientation to better understand your organisation and how you currently use or intend to use Salesforce going forward. The second part of the day is the actual training itself, where we use the information from the earlier session to specifically address areas which require more attention.

2 days training

This is a more customised training package that takes places over two days. On the first day we focus on key areas within your organisation that would best benefit your users and agree a plan for the following days’s training schedule.

The second day is a full day of training which addresses the specific topics that were highlighted from the previous day.

3 days training

The three day training program is more tailored to the individual. We agree on a plan for the training schedule for the following days and concentrate on important areas within your organization that will best benefit your users on the first day.

4 days training

We go one step further and provide a comprehensive tailored training package for your specific business, which includes ongoing support and train the trainer sessions.

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